Posts Tagged ‘Word’


Tuesday, Sept 06


Scripture Reference: Psalm 119:9

How can a young man cleanse his way? By taking heed according to Your Word.
Many young people have asked me on diverse occasions, ‘How can I overcome sin and live a pure and holy life?’ My answer has and will always be ‘by taking heed according to God’s Word.’
After giving them this answer, most of them are left stunned and wonder how this could possibly be the solution. So they would now want to break down the kind of sin they’re struggling with. Some of their sinful struggles are watching pornographic films, sexual immorality, anger problem and so on.
Whatever the kind of sin they might be struggling with, the answer remains the same. Why? Because the Bible shows that the Word of God is the primary antidote to sin; it’s the remedy to a sin-free life.
Sadly, many Christians haven’t caught this understanding as yet, which is the reason why they’re bound to various kinds of sins and weaknesses. The day you get a hold of the truth that God’s Word is your antidote to sin will be the start of your sin-free life.
For instance, a Christian who is hooked on pornography might sincerely want to stop watching such movies. He may decide to throw the video tapes away, or even block his access to such sites on the computer. He may even go for prayers to break such strongholds over his life.
As good and recommended as the above-mentioned measures are, they don’t deal with the root cause of this sexual bondage; which is the lust of the flesh. However if you would give yourself continually to studying God’s Word, you’ll be feeding your spirit.
Your spirit would be strong to win the war against your flesh, and hence wouldn’t give in to temptation. Also, as you keep meditating on God’s Word, the power in the Word would eventually drown that particular sinful craving that might have been controlling you for years.
Grace unto you,

Osei Barnie
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                                                             Thursday, September 01


Scripture Reference: Genesis 12:1, 2
Now the LORD had said to Abram: ‘Get out of your country, from your family and from your father’s house, to a land that I will show you. 2) I will make you a great nation; I will bless you and make your name great; and you shall be a blessing.
Rhema can be defined as a specific, spoken Word from God to a specific person or group of people at a specific time, with the purpose of addressing a specific case, circumstance or situation for the now!
You can receive Rhema through a teaching, preaching and prophecy. Even in a vision or a dream God can give you Rhema. Any time God speaks unto you directly or through someone, streams of Rhema are released unto you.
The question now is: are you opened and receptive unto the Spirit of God to receive that ‘now’ Word? Do you have a listening heart for God’s voice? Come before Him like a child goes to the father; totally focus on Him with readiness to hear His still, small voice.
After that, you ought to act on whatever He speaks to your heart. It might not always make sense to the natural mind. However, if you’re indeed sure of Him to be the source of that voice, be at rest and be obedient to His leading. It’ll definitely turn out for your own good.
Never forget that: One Rhema-Word from God can change your life forever. It’s that powerful! It did to Abraham, Moses, Joshua, Esther, David, Mary, Peter, Paul and several other great Bible characters, and it would also to you if only you embrace and act on it.
God gave a Rhema to Abraham, instructing him to leave his comfort zone to a land that He would later show him. Although he didn’t know where exactly he was going (Heb. 11:8), Abraham left his family house in faith believing God to lead him to the land.
By acting on that Rhema, he became spiritually, financially and materially blessed so much so that through him all nations on the earth are being blessed today. That’s the power of acting on the Rhema-Word! Praise the Lord!

Grace unto you,

Osei Barnie 


Wednesday, August 31


Scripture Reference: Matthew 4:4
But He answered and said, ‘It is written, Man shall not live by bread alone, but by every word that proceeds from the mouth of God.’
This verse of Scripture shows us something so profound about the human life. According to this, mankind isn’t to live by natural food alone. In other words, our lives aren’t to be sustained and dependent on the carbohydrates, proteins, minerals etc only. There’s something else that we need and should live by. What could that something be!
Firstly, let’s look into how we live by our everyday food. A meal has to be initially prepared or cooked before it can be consumed. To feast on the meal, you may not necessarily be the one to get it prepared. In some cases, you don’t even have to serve yourself; it’s taken care of by someone.
However, there’s something that nobody can do for you: eating the food. It’s your responsibility to get the food into your system. Whether young or old, no one can eat your meal on your behalf.
In the same vein, someone might teach or preach the Word to you. Also you might receive inspired messages from God such as Daily Rhema. The rest will be down to you. You’ve to purposely feed on the messages you receive to get them into your spirit. Just as you live by natural food, likewise you must live by the spiritual food – the Word of God.
Natural food with all the various much needed nutrients works only on your body. Nevertheless, the spiritual food works on your spirit, soul and even your body – and hence you can’t afford to live without it; you’ve got to live by it. By so doing, you will be immensely fulfilled and satisfied in life because God’s Word truly is life (Proverbs 4:22).
Grace unto you

Osei Barnie

 WHAT IS RHEMA?          

Tuesday, August 30

Scripture Reference: Matthew 4:4
But He answered and said, ‘It is written, Man shall not live by bread alone, but by every word that proceeds from the mouth of God.’
This was Jesus’ first response to the devil when He was tempted having fasted for forty days and nights. Satan asked Jesus to prove that He’s indeed the Son of God by transforming stones into bread. Our opening Scripture shows the reply of Jesus Christ to the devil.
Jesus, quoting from Deuteronomy 8:3, said ‘… Man shall not live by bread alone, but by every word that proceeds from the mouth of God.’ In the New Testament, the English word ‘word’ is rendered from two main Greek words ‘logos’ and ‘rhema.’ Further study into these words reveals a great deal of interesting differences, although the various English translations use ‘word’ for both.
In relation to God’s Word, logos refers to the total written words as contained in the Bible. All the words written in Genesis through to Revelation make up the logos of God. Also, logos refers to the person of Jesus Christ. A typical example is found in John 1:1: In the beginning was the Word (logos) and the Word (logos) was with God, and the Word (logos) was God. The subsequent verses reveal that the Word refers to Jesus Christ.
So then how different is rhema from logos. Our opening verse is a typical example: ‘…but by every word (rhema) that proceeds from the mouth of God. Rhema can be defined as a specific spoken Word from God to a specific person or group of people at a specific time, with the purpose of addressing a specific case, circumstance or situation at the now!
Each day, time and moment, God has a specific word just so right and needed to help you progress successfully and victoriously through the course of life. It comes to address a specific case right at the time you receive it. Rhema is a ‘now’ Word! It’s the spoken Word from God to you to effect a specific change in your life.
One Rhema-Word from God can change your life forever. It’s that powerful! Rhema sets into motion the power of God as it comes to accomplish and prosper in the things for which it was sent.
Grace unto you,

Osei Barnie


Wednesday, August 17


Scripture Reference: John 6:63
…The words that I speak unto you they are spirit, and they are life.

God is always talking to us concerning all aspects of our lives, but the problem has always been our inattentiveness to listen to His voice. During Church services, how attentive and receptive are you to the Word? In your home too what is the bond between you and the Word? Do you allocate quality time for the studying and meditating of the Word?

God wants you to be a Word person – someone who has a strong liking for the Word. Jesus said ‘…the words that I speak unto you they are spirit, and they are life’ (John 6:63). You’ve got to get to the place where you see the Word as your very life.

God has the plan of victory, success, good health and fulfilment for you – but you cannot enjoy all these glorious privileges of the Kingdom without the Word.

Meditate on these things (the words of the Scripture); give yourself entirely to them and the results will be that: your progress in life, ministry, business, studies and decision making will be evident to all (I Timothy 4:15).
Grace unto you,

Osei Barnie

Repem Summer Camp meeting Retreat is on from today (17th Aug, Wed) @ 10am. It’s that time of the year to step up! God is ready. Are you? (See the flyer for more details).